If I've learned one thing in these first 10 weeks of motherhood, it's that people love baby pictures. If I've learned a second thing, it's that I can't keep up with the demand for pictures via email and Facebook. And so, in an effort to give the people what they want, I'm starting this blog that I promise to update regularly. Hold me to it!
Week 1:

Calvin was surgically removed on February 10, 2010 at 7:02 pm. Here he is in the OR. He was a whopping 9 lbs, 4 oz, 22 inches and was declared a very healthy baby. We brought him home on a Saturday so he could enjoy the weekend. His Nana and Uncle Max were here for his first few days at home.
Week 2:

In week 2, Calvin met more grandparents and started making fun faces. Here he is "smiling" with Grandpa Ted. He was already having adventures like going for walks around the block and sleeping through dinner at Pitfire Pizza.
Weeks 3 and 4:

Once Calvin's umbilical cord remnants were gone, he was treated to a proper bath. By this time, his hairline was receding and his belly was getting round.
Weeks 6-8:

Calvin was definitely turning into a smiley guy. He was pretty good at holding his head up, so we'd challenge him with some time on his tummy. His first round of hair had mostly fallen out and a new round was slowly starting to grow in.
Month 2:
Here is Calvin meeting his great aunt Cindy. Now a very social creature, Calvin will return your smile with a smile and gurgle responses to some questions. At his 2 months doctor's visit, he weighed in at 14 lbs, 2 oz and bravely endured multiple shots.
Keep checking back here for updates. I promise at least a photo per week and possible links to more extensive photo sets on Flickr. Existing sets can be found