Sometimes we play minor tricks on Calvin. Keith made him a tutu out of the foam tiles he plays with/on.
He now eats yogurt mixed with fruit and is getting better at getting finger foods from his tray to his mouth. Here he is post-yogurt, contemplating a cereal bit.
Calvin also made his first trip to Las Vegas 2 weeks ago to. Since we didn't want to risk Calvin chain smoking at a slot machine, yelling for more drinks, he mostly hung out at the hotel where extended family doted on him. Here he is with a few relatives. Thanks to Uncle Teddy for the photo.

Here is Calvin showing off his guns. If his shirt didn't button around his diaper, he'd probably rip that off to show off his pecs as well.
And finally, for lovers of baby noises, here is Calvin laughing as he and Keith play peekaboo.
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