Saturday, July 24, 2010

Eating the floor

We put down some foam tiles to give Calvin a soft scooting surface. He recently discovered that the tiles come apart and are delicious! Here he is caught in the act of ripping one up and then tasting it.

Calvin has odd hair. He was born with a healthy head of dark hair that he lost in a few weeks except at the nape of his neck. He's now losing his second round of hair and the top of his head is very patchy. There's a distinct whorl and then a patch that he has rubbed completely bald just above the remnants of his original head of hair.

Today we took Calvin on his first hike on Mt. Hollywood. He did pretty well on the trail and enjoyed hanging out near the picnic areas afterward.

Moments after that last picture was taken, he noticed the camera and, of course, lunged for it mouth-open.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Heat wave

It's been a steamy week here in L.A., but we're finding ways to beat the heat. Last weekend, Calvin took his first dip in a pool at a trial session for parent-tot swim classes. Here he is nervously watching the plastic doll used in demonstrations.

And at home, he's spending a lot of time in just a diaper. He especially likes rolling around and lounging in bed. It's the most forgiving surface when he gets tired of sitting up and topples over.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Sleeping patriot

For the 4th of July, we took Calvin to a parade at the neighborhood elementary school. In the past, he's been fascinated by kids so a whole parade of kids seemed perfect. We didn't count on Calvin sleeping through most of the commotion.

Calvin's getting much better at sitting up without support. He's so much better that this video is a little boring: a little over a minute of a sitting baby breaking the fourth wall. Enjoy!

In the past few days, Calvin has developed a very guttural growl. It's a strange noise to come from such a cute face, but I imagine Tom Waits's mom thought the same thing and that worked out pretty well for her baby. This video features some little growls and Calvin enjoying/abusing his Exosaucer.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Back from touring

We've been back in LA for a few weeks after our East-Coast-Midwest tour. Calvin was amazing on the flights, less amazing in the car. Here he is asleep in the car, probably after a lengthy crying jag.

Calvin was introduced to as many relatives and friends as we could get to in 10 days. Here his is with his great-grandpa Tor.

In breaking news: Calvin has been refusing a bottle his whole life. Then today, he took matters into his own hands. We figure now that he can feed himself, our work as parents is basically done. We just need to occasionally drop of some full bottles and pick up the empties like an old-fashioned milkman.