Brigid finished her PhD and graduated.
Grandpa and Uncle Ted visited for the occasion. They taught Calvin some basic baseball skills, as seen in this video.
Calvin has vastly increased his sign-language vocabulary. He is very excited to show off his sign for bird, as seen here and here. He lets us know whenever he sees or hears one. He seems to be getting closer to a few spoken words, but his signing of basics like "help", "more", "milk", "water", "diaper", and "all done" have saved him and us from lots of frustration.
We've also recently enjoyed visits from a great aunt and uncle and once-removed cousin; a Father's Day trip to the zoo featuring lethargic animals and Calvin's first taste of churro; an outdoor concert; and countless playground trips.
And a few people have asked when we'll teach Calvin to play poker. We haven't started on strategy, but he's started handling chips.

We are preparing for a cross-country move. The next post will likely be from our new East Coast home. Wish us luck as Calvin's time as a California baby draws to a close.