He's still working out some of the details of sippy cup use. For Calvin's birthday, we had a bunch of people over to our apartment and some refused to honor our "No gifts, please" request. So Calvin's had quite a week wearing cool new clothes and playing with new toys. Here he is enjoying a plush car.
Calvin loves to give hugs and playfully wrestle with others. On a possibly related note, another child at daycare recently chomped down on Calvin's hand, leaving some tiny teethmarks.
At birth, Calvin was in the 97th height and weight percentiles. At one year, he's hovering down around the 45-50th. So his mom's genes might be kicking in. The doctor did declare him "perfectly proportioned."
Here are some videos (not right-side-up, and poorly formatted for this blog--sorry, we are working out the kinks of getting videos off of our phones) of Calvin lifting a palm frond and playing in the park.